<!DOCTYPE stack PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD stack V 2.0//EN" "" >
<cantModify><false /></cantModify>
<cantDelete><false /></cantDelete>
<cantAbort><false /></cantAbort>
<script>--------------------------------------------------------------------- HyperTree II Stack Scripts-- (c) CopyRight 1992 John Washburn-- All Rights Reserved---------------------------------------------------------------------on openStackglobal EnterHTlevel, hideShowIndicatorput name of this stack into card field "NameOfStack" of card "Intro"delete first word of card field "NameOfStack" of card "Intro"put the userlevel into EnterHTlevelif card field "hideShowStore" of card "Intro" is "SHOW"thenshow menubarput "SHOW" into hideShowIndicatorelsehide menuBarput "HIDE" into hideShowIndicatorend ifend openStackon closeStackglobal EnterHTlevelshow menuBarset userlevel to EnterHTlevelif "HThelper" is in stacksInUse then stop using "HThelper"end closeStackon suspendStackglobal LeaveHTlevelshow menuBarput the userlevel into LeaveHTlevelend suspendStackon resumeStackglobal LeaveHTlevel, hideShowIndicatorif card field "hideShowStore" of card "Intro" is "SHOW"thenshow menubarput "SHOW" into hideShowIndicatorelsehide menuBarput "HIDE" into hideShowIndicatorend ifset userlevel to LeaveHTlevelend resumeStackon menuChoiceglobal hideShowIndicatoranswer "Do you want the menubar to always show or hide?" with "SHOW" or "HIDE"put it into card field "hideShowStore" of card "Intro"if it is "SHOW"thenshow menubarput "SHOW" into hideShowIndicatorelsehide menubarput "HIDE" into hideShowIndicatorend ifend menuChoiceon HThelperif "HThelper" is not in the stacksInUsethenstart using stack "HThelper"if the result is not emptythenanswer "Sorry, cannot initialize properly. " &&¬"Try quitting HyperCard and starting over."elsesend kickStart to stack "HThelper"end ifelsesend kickStart to stack "HThelper"end ifend HThelperon HThelperImpif "HThelper" is not in the stacksInUsethenstart using stack "HThelper"if the result is not emptythenanswer "Sorry, cannot initialize properly. " &&¬"Try quitting HyperCard and starting over."elsesend kickStartImp to stack "HThelper"end ifelsesend kickStartImp to stack "HThelper"end ifend HThelperImpon HThelperExpif "HThelper" is not in the stacksInUsethenstart using stack "HThelper"if the result is not emptythenanswer "Sorry, cannot initialize properly. " &&¬"Try quitting HyperCard and starting over."elsesend kickStartExp to stack "HThelper"end ifelsesend kickStartExp to stack "HThelper"end ifend HThelperExpon smshow menubarend smon hmhide menubarend hmon cbtchoose browse toolend cbton cbtntchoose button toolend cbtnton cftchoose field toolend cfton floaterSearchglobal accumulator, productionCount,badcards,floatersput empty into accumulatorput empty into badCardsput 0 into floatersput empty into productionCountput " (none yet)" into snitchunmark all cardsrepeat with muff = 1 to number of cards in bkgnd "Info Cards"put empty into limboput field "name" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" into currentCardif field "Spouse1" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" is not emptythenput field "Spouse1" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" after limboput return after limboend ifif field "Spouse2" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" is not emptythenput field "Spouse2" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" after limboput return after limboend ifif field "Spouse3" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" is not emptythenput field "Spouse3" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" after limboput return after limboend ifif field "Spouse1" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" is not emptythenput field "Spouse4" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" after limboput return after limboend ifif field "kids" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" is not emptythenput field "kids" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" after limboput return after limboend ifif field "siblings" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" is not emptythenput field "siblings" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" after limboput return after limboend ifif field "fatherName" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" is not emptythenput field "fathername" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" after limboput return after limboend ifif field "motherName" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" is not emptythenput field "mothername" of card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards" after limboend ifrepeat with linNo = 1 to number of lines of limboif line linNo of limbo is not empty thenput line linNo of limbo into watcherBoyput "card " && quote & watcherBoy & quote into testif not objectExists(test)thenput the result into resultomark card muff of bkgnd "Info Cards"put line linNo of limbo after accumulatorput " " & " located on card " & " " after accumulatorput currentCard & " " & resulto & return after accumulatorput currentCard into snitchbeepadd 1 to Floatersend ifend ifend repeatadd 1 to productionCountput productioncount & " of " & the number of cards - 2 & " Cards checked, " & Floaters & " floaters found. Last one was " & snitchend repeatend floaterSearchon showbuttonsshow bkgnd btn "All relations"show bkgnd btn "Descendants"show bkgnd btn "text file listing"show bkgnd btn "print marked cards"show bkgnd btn "name report"show bkgnd btn "floater report"show bkgnd btn "duplicates report"show bkgnd btn "Alpha Listing"show bkgnd btn "Space Invaders"show bkgnd btn "BDay Report"show bkgnd btn "Pedigree"show bkgnd btn "Outline Report"show bkgnd btn "Integrity report"end showbuttonson hidebuttonshide bkgnd btn "All relations"hide bkgnd btn "Descendants"hide bkgnd btn "text file listing"hide bkgnd btn "print marked cards"hide bkgnd btn "name report"hide bkgnd btn "floater report"hide bkgnd btn "duplicates report"hide bkgnd btn "Alpha Listing"hide bkgnd btn "Space Invaders"hide bkgnd btn "BDay Report"hide bkgnd btn "Pedigree"hide bkgnd btn "Outline Report"hide bkgnd btn "Integrity report"end hidebuttonson showMarkOptionsset cursor to 4hide menuBarput number of marked cards & " cards are currently marked" into line 18 of field hiderput empty into field matchname1put empty into field matchname2put empty into field matchname3set the highlight of bkgnd btn "Clear" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "Do Not Clear" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Name Field 1" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Name Field 2" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Name Field 3" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Spouse Field 1" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Spouse Field 2" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Spouse Field 3" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Parent Field 1" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Parent Field 2" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Parent Field 3" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Children Field 1" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Children Field 2" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Children Field 3" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Sibling Field 1" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Sibling Field 2" to falseset the highlight of bkgnd btn "In Sibling Field 3" to falselock screenshow field Hidershow field MatchName1show field MatchName2show field MatchName3show bkgnd btn "Clear"show bkgnd btn "Do Not Clear"show bkgnd btn "In Name Field 1"show bkgnd btn "In Name Field 2"show bkgnd btn "In Name Field 3"show bkgnd btn "In Spouse Field 1"show bkgnd btn "In Spouse Field 2"show bkgnd btn "In Spouse Field 3"show bkgnd btn "In Parent Field 1"show bkgnd btn "In Parent Field 2"show bkgnd btn "In Parent Field 3"show bkgnd btn "In Children Field 1"show bkgnd btn "In Children Field 2"show bkgnd btn "In Children Field 3"show bkgnd btn "In Sibling Field 1"show bkgnd btn "In Sibling Field 2"show bkgnd btn "In Sibling Field 3"show bkgnd btn "Exit Without Further Marking"show bkgnd btn "Mark Cards"hide message windowend showMarkOptionson hideMarkOptionshide field Hiderhide field MatchName1hide field MatchName2hide field MatchName3hide bkgnd btn "Clear"hide bkgnd btn "Do Not Clear"hide bkgnd btn "In Name Field 1"hide bkgnd btn "In Name Field 2"hide bkgnd btn "In Name Field 3"hide bkgnd btn "In Spouse Field 1"hide bkgnd btn "In Spouse Field 2"hide bkgnd btn "In Spouse Field 3"hide bkgnd btn "In Parent Field 1"hide bkgnd btn "In Parent Field 2"hide bkgnd btn "In Parent Field 3"hide bkgnd btn "In Children Field 1"hide bkgnd btn "In Children Field 2"hide bkgnd btn "In Children Field 3"hide bkgnd btn "In Sibling Field 1"hide bkgnd btn "In Sibling Field 2"hide bkgnd btn "In Sibling Field 3"hide bkgnd btn "Exit Without Further Marking"hide bkgnd btn "Mark Cards"end hidemarkOptionson calcendglobal starttick, counter, totalcards, remainingput the ticks into elapsedsubtract starttick from elapsedput trunc ((totalcards * elapsed)/counter) into holderput trunc ((holder - elapsed)/60) into secondsput trunc (seconds / 60) into minutesset numberformat to "00"subtract (minutes * 60) from secondsput minutes & ":" & seconds into remainingend calcendon FillEmptyMomsglobal spouseNames, targetNameglobal counter, totalCards, remaining, startTickunmark all cardsmark cards where field "MotherName" is empty and field "Fathername" is not emptyput number of marked cards into totalCardsput the ticks into starttickgo to first marked carddomenu "Prev"repeat with counter = 1 to number of marked cardsgo to next marked cardput field fatherName into targetNamefillSpousesif the number of lines of spouseNames = 1 thenput line 1 of SpouseNames into field "MotherName"end ifcalcendput counter & " of " & totalCards & " done, " & remaining & " minutes remaining"end repeatend FillEmptyMomson flipflopMarkedCardsBabyglobal counter, totalcards, remaining, starttickput number of cards of background "Info Cards" into totalCardsput the ticks into starttickrepeat with counter = 1 to number of cards in background "Info Cards"if the marked of card counter of background "Info Cards" is truethenunmark card counter of background "Info Cards"elsemark card counter of background "Info Cards"end ifcalcendput counter & " of " & totalcards & " cards changed. " & remaining & " minutes:seconds left."end repeatend flipflopMarkedCardsBabyon fillMomsMarriedNameBabyglobal counter, totalcards, remaining, starttick, spouseNamesanswer "Do want to use the last name of the last child or last spouse?" with "Child" or "Spouse"put it into targetChoiceput the short id of this card into origIDput "Marking target cards now."set cursor to 4unmark all cardsput "Marking cards of females."mark cards where field "NameMF" is "F"put number of marked cards & " females marked"unmark cards where field "marriedname" is not emptyput number of marked cards & " females without MLN marked"put "Unmarking cards without kids and spouses."unmark cards where field "Kids" is empty and field "Spouse1" is emptyput number of marked cards & " cards to be fixed"put the number of marked cards into totalcardsput the ticks into starttickgo to card 2lock screenset lockmessages to truerepeat with counter = 1 to number of marked cardsgo to next marked cardif targetChoice is "Spouse"thenfillspousesStackif the last word of spouseNames is not emptythenput the last word of spouseNames into field "MarriedName"elseput the last word of field "Kids" into field "MarriedName"end ifelseif the last word of field "Kids" is not emptythenput the last word of field "Kids" into field "MarriedName"elsefillspousesStackput the last word of spouseNames into field "MarriedName"end ifend ifcalcendput counter & " of " & totalcards & " cards filled. " & remaining & " minutes:seconds left."end repeatgo to card id origIDplayprestoend fillMomsMarriedNameBabyon fillSpousesStackglobal spouseNames, holderput empty into spouseNamesput field "Spouse1" into holderuseIfThereput field "Spouse2" into holderuseIfThereput field "Spouse3" into holderuseIfThereput field "Spouse4" into holderuseIfThereend fillSpousesStackon useIfThereglobal spousenames, holderif holder is not emptythenput holder & return after spousenamesend ifend useIfThereon printregistrationprint card field "Registration" of card "Intro"end printregistrationon addclobbertomIN4put "Now placing the secret word in the 4th spouses divorce date field"set cursor to 4repeat with counter = 1 to number of cards in bkgnd "Info Cards"put "Clobber" into field "mIN4" of card counter of bkgnd "Info Cards"end repeatput "Done adding Clobber Indicator to each card."playprestoend addclobbertomIn4on deletetestcardsunmark all cardsput "Marking cards now"mark cards by finding "Clobber" in field "mIN4"go to first marked carddomenu "Prev"set lockscreen to trueput "Now deleting cards"set cursor to 4if number of marked cards = number of cards in background "Info Cards"thengo to first marked cardunmark cardrepeat with counter = 1 to 28put empty into field counterend repeatend ifset cursor to 4repeat with counter = 1 to number of marked cardsgo to next marked cardif field "mIN4" contains "Clobber" then domenu "Delete Card"end repeatplayprestoend deletetestcardson parseOneLiner carrierput line 1 of carrier into carrierif the last char of carrier is return then delete the last char of carrierreturn carrierend parseOneLineron soundChoiceanswer "Please select your preferred sound" with "None" or "Presto" or "Flute"put it into card field "Sound Field" of card "Intro"end soundChoiceon PlayPrestoif card field "Sound Field" of card "Intro" is emptythen soundChoiceput card field "Sound Field" of card "Intro" into choiceif choice = "Presto"then Play Prestoif choice = "Flute"then Play Fluteend PlayPrestoon outlineChoiceanswer "Please select outline format preference - Harvard, Chicago, Sibling #, Roman, or Goat Format" ¬with "Harvard" or "Chicago" or "Other"if it <> "Other"thenput it into card field "Outline field" of card "Intro"elseanswer "Please select outline format preference - Harvard, Chicago, Sibling #, Roman, or Goat Format" ¬with "Sibling #" or "Roman" or "Other"if it <> "Other"thenput it into card field "Outline field" of card "Intro"elseanswer "Please select outline format preference - Harvard, Chicago, Sibling #, Roman, or Goat Format" ¬with "Goat Format" or "No Change"if it is "Goat Format" then put it into card field "Outline Field" of card "Intro"end ifend ifend outlinechoice</script>